Monday, October 8, 2012

About Westminster Mastering Leadership Certificate Program

Here is an article about our Mastering Leadership Certificate program from Westminster website.

"Westminster Creates New Certificate Program to Address Leadership Shortage

Mastering Leadership Certificate Program begins June 6
SALT LAKE CITY – According to a recent study, 60 percent of companies report they are facing leadership talent shortages that are impeding performance, and some predict this trend may continue for several years. Many business leaders recognize they cannot hire their way out of this problem, so finding a way to develop their existing employee base is critical to their success.

To address this talent shortage, Westminster College has created a new Mastering Leadership Certificate Program (MLC) to help hone the skills of employees who want to advance in their careers. 

The 10-month MLC program, with limited classroom time, is a perfect fit for working professionals like Lisa Hale, an assistant controller at Arnold Machinery. The company supported Hale while she obtained her undergraduate degree in accounting at Westminster, and she’s spent the past 18 years working her way up through the ranks. Hale saw the MLC as an opportunity to move even further up the ladder.

“The program is helping me build my own career by elevating my position at Arnold Machinery,” said Hale. “I’m also seeing how it is building a stronger company by broadening our leadership pool which strengthens the core of the business.”

The MLC is a project-based program built around two-day sessions held once a month for 10 months. The sessions focus on essential leadership skills utilizing a three-stage process: theory, practice in real-world activities and then application in the workplace. Throughout each stage, a Westminster faculty coach works with each participant and is available to consult with participants in real-time. The customized projects applied in the participant’s work place translate into immediate return on investment.

“I take something away from each class that I’m able to immediately apply at the office,” said Hale. “I’ve gained skills and made connections in the course that make me a leader and an overall better employee.”

And employers are also pleased with the results.

“I’ve been impressed by the outcomes of the Mastering Leadership Certificate program,” said Kayden Bell, Arnold Machinery CFO. “Our associates are learning and honing the skills they need for our executive roles. Prior to each session, we meet with the faculty coach to ensure the content and project are customized to Arnold Machinery. Then the interactive classroom learning is applied as our associates work on projects. As an added benefit, associates are building relationships and learning how to work more effectively in teams.”

Hale is among 20 professionals from Arnold Machinery participating in Westminster’s pilot MLC program customized to a corporation’s specific needs. Westminster is now offering open enrollment to individuals who will receive personalized leadership training that is customized to their own work places. The MLC is the first certificate program for executive education within Westminster’s Division of New Learning.

Enrollment for the MLC program starts May 1, 2012, and the program will begin June 6. For more information and to register online visit or contact Rose Defa at 801-832-3422,

Media Contacts: Krista DeAngelis & Arikka Von (801) 832-2682
May 7, 2012
About Westminster:
Westminster is a nationally recognized, comprehensive liberal arts college. With a broad array of graduate and undergraduate programs, Westminster is distinguished by its unique environment for learning. Westminster prepares students for success through active and engaged learning, real world experiences and its vibrant campus community. Westminster’s unique location, adjacent to the Rocky Mountains and to the dynamic city of Salt Lake, further enriches the college experience. For more information, visit or follow WestminsterSLC on Twitter."


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